SPECIAL SERIES: #2 of 3 Meta Nutrition Discoveries: Food, Genes, Microbiome & Health

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3 Scientific Breakthroughs
Build Your Body-Mind Health
*1. Genetics 2. Epigenetics 3. Microbiome
#2 of 3
Epigenetics: Reset Your Genes
—NOW—for Weight Loss & Well-Being.
Because of cutting-edge, 21st century, scientific discoveries, we now know everyday foods you choose have the power to switch off genes that put you at risk for a particular condition. The end result: Increase odds of preventing—even reversing—an ailment with diet.
In this episode 2 of my 3-part Special Series: 21st Century Nutrition G.E.M.s: 3 Scientific Breakthroughs to Build Your Body-Mind Health, I discuss the second of three breakthrough findings that are so huge, they actually create a re-visioning of the power of food to prevent health problems for which you’re at risk; and also to turn around—and reverse—many chronic body-mind conditions, from overweight and obesity to heart disease, diabetes, depression, and more. One meal at a time.
Today I’m discussing Epigenetics: Reset Your Genes—NOW—for Weight Loss & Well-Being.
Epigenetics is the study of how your lifestyle behaviors and environment—especially the food you eat each day—can create changes that affect the way your genes work—and in turn, wellness or illness. Today’s focus: NUTRITIONAL EPIGENETICS.
NOTE. The next and final episode in this Special Series on 21st century meta discoveries about food and health explores how food can create a healthy gut, and in turn, a healthy you! The end result: You are empowered to reclaim your health.