Deborah Kesten’s Books
Whole Person Integrative Eating
A Breakthrough Dietary Lifestyle to Treat the Root Causes of Overeating, Overweight, and Obesity

Book Excellence Awards
Health Category
In this breakthrough book, nutrition researcher Deborah Kesten and behavioral scientist Larry Scherwitz offer documented proof that overeating and overweight may be halted, even reversed, by replacing their newly identified overeating styles with the antidotes: the ancient/new elements of their Whole Person Integrative Eating dietary lifestyle described in this book.
The authors’ paradigm-shifting, well-researched message in Whole Person Integrative Eating is that food influences not only the physical dimensions of health, but also our emotional, spiritual, and social well-being. Their scientifically sound dietary lifestyle can build bridges between the millions who struggle with overeating and weight issues and the medical community. And it can inspire you to re-envision your relationship to food, eating, and weight, so that each time you eat, you are nourished…for life.

Feeding the Body, Nourishing the Soul
Essentials of Eating for Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Well-Being
Independent Publisher Book Awards
Spirituality Category
This pioneering, award-winning book leads us back to a deeper, more meaningful relationship to food and eating by revealing the common thread from ancient food wisdom that has the power to nourish body, mind, and soul. For instance, in Feeding the Body, Nourishing the Soul, you’ll discover how sacred fasting is practiced by the Native American vision quest. You’ll learn that, like great jazz, African-American soul food comes from depths of wisdom as well as the ability to playfully improvise “from feel” when you cook. And you’ll meet Buddhist monks who apply the ancient practice of mindfulness eating.
Along with cutting-edge scientific studies on the life-giving properties of food, and fascinating insights from more than 45 scientists and spiritual teachers, Feeding the Body, Nourishing the Soul reveals how to prepare both food and your state of mind so that you are nourished multi-dimensionally each time you eat. This book is truly a “nutrition journey around the world.”

The Healing Secrets of Food
A Practical Guide for Nourishing Body, Mind, and Soul
A Re-Visioning of Optimal Eating
Today most of us take for granted that what we eat plays an important role in our health and well-being. In The Healing Secrets of Food, author Deborah Kesten takes our vision of nutritional health to the next level, describing a new model that merges ancient food wisdom with state-of-the-art science. Her intriguing, well-researched message is that food influences all aspects of our health: It holds the power to heal us physically, and to also balance our emotional, spiritual, and social well-being. Kesten calls this the “4 facets of food,” and throughout the book, she shows you how to benefit from nourishing “all of you” each time you eat.
By “thinking outside the diet,” The Healing Secrets of Food gives you the dietary wisdom you need to change how you view optimal eating. You’ll discover how different types of food influence your emotions, and how to infuse meals with meaning. It is rare to find someone who can skillfully walk the tightrope between scientifically proven nutritional concepts and those that are more difficult to prove yet are often even more meaningful. In The Healing Secrets of Food, Deborah Kesten has done just that. The end result: You will discover how to transform your relationship to food and eating, and in the process find true nourishment…for life.

Deborah Kesten is a two-time #1 award-winning author of Whole Person Integrative Eating and Feeding the Body, Nourishing the Soul. She is also founder of Whole Person Integrative Eating,® a science-backed program for halting, even reversing overeating, overweight, and obesity. Kesten is a VIP Contributor at, and has been honored as a “healer for the new millennium” by Healthy Living.
A Breakthrough Dietary Lifestyle to Treat the Root Causes of Overeating, Overweight, and Obesity
“This evidence-based masterpiece not only educates but give you an easy, precise strategy to experience sustainable freedom from the ravages of obesity.” —David Reed Miloy, MD, MS, Founder, Optimum Health: Partners in Wellness
“If people follow the revolutionary program outlined in this game-changing, insightful book, it may be the most helpful step they can take toward losing weight and keeping it off.” —Kenneth R. Pelletier, PhD, MD, Clinical Professor of Medicine at University California School of Medicine
“Whole Person Integrative Eating is a paradigm-changing program that takes the concept of nutritional health to a new level…it could help many overcome obesity.” —Ryan Bradley, ND, MPH, Director of Research and Professor of Nutrition, National University of Natural Medicine
Essentials of Eating for Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Well-Being
“Synthesizing food and feeling, mind and matter…while offering insights into the spiritual ingredient we have neglected for too long.” —Dean Ornish, MD, Author of Undo It! and Dr. Dean Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease
“A fascinating book—I couldn’t put it down. A must-read for everyone interested in broadening their understanding of diet beyond the merely biochemical.” —Joseph P. Pizzorno, Jr., ND, Author of Total Wellness, Textbook of Natural Medicine and The Toxin Solution
“An enormously practical guide that affirms the importance of food, family, friends, and ritual in transforming everyday meals into a sacred celebration.” —Joan Borysenko, PhD., author of The PlantPlus Diet Solution and Minding the Body, Mending the Mind
“…a broad perspective on nutrition—one that integrates mind, body, and spirituality. I have found her message inspiring and worthy of attention.” —Herbert Benson, MD, from the Foreword
A Practical Guide for Nourishing Body, Mind, and Soul
“More than a book about food, this is a powerful prescription for healing body, mind, and soul. Each page illuminated Deborah Kesten’s wisdom, research, and scientific integrity, while affirming the best of with nutrition and food have to offer.” —Larry Scherwitz, PhD, Sr. Research Scientist at Preventive Medicine Research Institute and co-author of Whole Person Integrative Eating
The Healing Secrets of Food moves our understanding…into a new appreciation of the subtle dimensions of diet and nutrition. This beautiful book combines science, storytelling, and heart to address our relationship to food and…links us to family, culture, and spirit. As Kesten tells us so clearly, the intention we give to food can truly transform our lives.” —Marilyn Schlitz, PhD, Dean, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology at Sofia University
“Bursting with a zest for food and time-tested cooking wisdom gleaned from ancient cultures and modern science, this is a book that I will turn to again and again for inspiration, enjoyment, and the sheer delight of discovering new ingredients not listed on labels or found in supermarkets. Its insights will remain with you long after you have dined.” —Jean-Marc Fullsack, Executive Chef and Instructor in the Hospitality Management Program at the University of San Francisco School of Management